Monday, February 18, 2013

Poptropica Blog: Book 'em!

Another day, means another blog post on the Poptropica creators blog. Today, they posted about the brand new poptropica book known as 'Poptropica Mad Libs' which is now available in a variety of stores. These books are a lot of fun with friends especially on road trips. Below is the latest poptropica blog post:

It would be great to play Poptropica 24 hours a day, but sometimes your parents want to see you do something else, like read a book. But you don't have to give up Poptropica entirely to satisfy your reading jones. If you haven't checked out the Poptropica books yet, now's a great time to do so!
Visit our Poptropica books page for more information about our illustrated novels, guide book, and activity books. Plus, from that page you can read the first chapter of Skullduggery Island, and download an exclusive Poptropica Mad Lib. Happy reading!
 This seems like a pretty cool book in my opinion. So, what are your thoughts on this subject? Let us know in the comments below. 

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